Here it is...
In the bottom right corner is me crashing into bed because i'm always tired. The top is sports I enjoy doing, personal hobbies and the shark is a finishing detail.
The left is my passion for art and some random doodles I slapped on with the might of Zeus (Personal favorite is the very special Peter Griffin).
On the Right is my wide eyed dog Milo and my love of food. And my portrait of myself with the face I make every hour, minute and second - EVEN MILLISECONDS! - of the day.
My family is from Colombia (top left of the drawing is the national flag) and NZ (flag is the very top right of the portrait).
The artist that this portrait style is ever so slightly based upon is Romero Britto, he is quite a good artist from Brazil who does portraits of famous people in abstract. Have you heard of him or seen any of his artwork? They are really bright and fun, I advise you to check them out.
Hasta luego burrito bros.
That is very cool! I have a dog too, her name is Millie. The writing is very descriptive and it sounds quite interesting. Good job!