
Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to cook, but you don't get to use your stove

 Hej hej, i am back. This week i have researched culture, specifically Maori culture. Our first thing to research was how to cook hangi and what they are. A Hangi is a traditional way of cooking in Maori culture which was to dig a hole and start a fire and burn some rocks in it, after the fire dies out you put sacks around the hole to protect from excess dirt and put in some kai baskets with meat at the bottom then vege's in the middle and stuffing in the top. Then you would put some blankets over it and cover it in soil and wait for it to be cooked, but with advancements of technology the way to hangi has changed too. Now you use this metal thing that works like a hangi but more advanced. I have made a poster about it and would like to show you.

Ok goodbye now.