
Friday, September 25, 2020


 Hej hej, I'm back  again  for the most posts in a week  I've ever done. I have made a video about my rocket  experience and a video about laws. You'll know everything about it once you see it.


Ok bye bye

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 Hej hej, I have returned.

This week i have made my very own experiment to conduct around gravity. I will put a link to our slide that contains all our information including a link to our science report that you can check out. 

Science Report

OK bye bye.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Hej hej, Im back. I learnt that sign language is very important to my country and i learnt a little bit of sign language too! I learnt numbers, letters, colours and more and I will show you a video of me saying my name to you in sign language.

Id like to see you say your name in sign language to if you can try.
OK bye bye

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Hej hej, it's me the blogger man and I come to you with the revolutionary B.O.I.S.S Module (Botany observation in space station)! I had to research the ISS and find out what's its purpose is, which it is an observatory/lab/space home for astronauts and cosmonauts to do different tasks like observe space and do space lab stuff. I saw that the ISS didn't have a botany research facility and I thought I would add a module to the ISS that would specify the growth and ability of plant growth in space.

 Ask any questions about my module and how it works!


Friday, September 11, 2020


 Hej hej, I'm back again with great news. I have won a rocket competition in my class in groups spanning from 2-5 the average being 3 people in a group, and each group would have specific people doing specific task like health advisor and rocket designer. I made the entire rocket and was in charge of it's designs, I must've done something right because I made the best rocket in the class. But enough about me and now about the task at hand, for inquiry we learnt about rockets and laws o motion in order to create our own rocket. Here is our 53 second video of me, Hamish and Tane launching our rocket.

OK bye bye.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lines of words that make sense to computers and not me

 Hej hej, I'm back with some news skillz (I'm too cool I know). I learnt how to partly code in python using the website, I can read a bit too and tell what it does. I did a PSA (Public Streaming Announcement) on the issue of littering, I did it because I find it an issue about the world that kills many and ruins this world. This message is for everyone but it has some modern day 'meme' slang that children and adults combined who watch 'memes' will understand more than others. 

Here are 3 pictures if my PSA and the code I used (some text cuts off because it's too long.)

I tried making this appealing to every audience by making it move so it appeals to younger audience, make it say 'meme' slang to appeal to older children, so that when adults see they ask their children what it means so the pay attention.

To get a better understanding of python, line 17 that says sprite.move_up(80) is telling the garbage to move up on the background by 80 small steps.

OK goodbye