Hej hej, I'm back with another episode of SCHOOL (BEST THING IN THE WORLD)! This week I did science with a side of nothing, and it worked out for the most part. I did the science, got the results, and got the Friday off to tell you what I did!! (I didn't get the day off)
If you'd like the science report of all the things I and my buddy Rico did you can check this out on this link!
If you'd like a small rundown i learnt how planes fly, made a plan for what I would do with my new found knowledge, created planes I would use for the test flight, asked for measuring tape, made a spreadsheet to markdown results, did test flights and then did normal plane flights, and slapped it on to a beautiful report that I will say again, you can click on the link above and read.
That will be all for today viewers, I will take my leave.