
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I bet you didn't know these things about Maori culture that I do and you don't

 Hej hej, I have come forth from the cave of wisdom once more to inform you homo sapiens about knowledge I have encountered throughout my journey. I have learnt throughout my Inquiry learning about culture *wow* but specifically Maori culture. In Maori culture there are many things that makes them different, like how they greet. But I was given 3 things to research and put it into slide for you guys to read.

Link Version:
Ok Bye Bye

Best animation of 2020 hands down and super interesting

 Hej hej, I have returned from my slumber inside the cave of wisdom. I will share with you my wisdom I have learnt this week, which today's topic will be a game of the name Ki o Rahi. This maori game is simple to learn an play, you have boundaries marked by cone which is best to colour code it. On the outskirts are cones the players on the outside have to touch for points, each cone is one point, and one layer in is where more players are placed in (note: no players are allowed to leave their areas and go into other ones) and they are used to get a better shot at the trash can. One more layer in and there is where 4 people being the common amount go in to defend or attack the bin. The point of the bin is when you get your points from the cone you have to throw the ball and hit the bin to bank in those points, if you drop the ball or get the ball stolen or deflected by an opposing player you lose the points and its a turn over if you haven't scored. That is all I can remember about the game so far, try it out with family and/or friends if you get the chance.

Here is the link to the Animation:

Bye bye

Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to cook, but you don't get to use your stove

 Hej hej, i am back. This week i have researched culture, specifically Maori culture. Our first thing to research was how to cook hangi and what they are. A Hangi is a traditional way of cooking in Maori culture which was to dig a hole and start a fire and burn some rocks in it, after the fire dies out you put sacks around the hole to protect from excess dirt and put in some kai baskets with meat at the bottom then vege's in the middle and stuffing in the top. Then you would put some blankets over it and cover it in soil and wait for it to be cooked, but with advancements of technology the way to hangi has changed too. Now you use this metal thing that works like a hangi but more advanced. I have made a poster about it and would like to show you.

Ok goodbye now.

Friday, September 25, 2020


 Hej hej, I'm back  again  for the most posts in a week  I've ever done. I have made a video about my rocket  experience and a video about laws. You'll know everything about it once you see it.


Ok bye bye

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 Hej hej, I have returned.

This week i have made my very own experiment to conduct around gravity. I will put a link to our slide that contains all our information including a link to our science report that you can check out. 

Science Report

OK bye bye.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Hej hej, Im back. I learnt that sign language is very important to my country and i learnt a little bit of sign language too! I learnt numbers, letters, colours and more and I will show you a video of me saying my name to you in sign language.

Id like to see you say your name in sign language to if you can try.
OK bye bye

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Hej hej, it's me the blogger man and I come to you with the revolutionary B.O.I.S.S Module (Botany observation in space station)! I had to research the ISS and find out what's its purpose is, which it is an observatory/lab/space home for astronauts and cosmonauts to do different tasks like observe space and do space lab stuff. I saw that the ISS didn't have a botany research facility and I thought I would add a module to the ISS that would specify the growth and ability of plant growth in space.

 Ask any questions about my module and how it works!